Sunday 3 February 2013

Thrller Research- RocknRolla (2008) [James]

- The camerawork is of LS and CU's which create suspense becasue we cannot see what is fully going on. Enigma- causing an restricted narration.
- A tracking shot of behind the man, creates mystery and raises questions.

- Lighting is very low key, to hide away identity from people, back-lighting showing silhouette, characters face impossible to see Enigma.

- One long take then lots of small takes, builds suspense of the main protagonist and raises questions about him, other shot used to give brief introductions to other characters.
- Continuity give a flow and coherence of the character.
- The diegetic, off screen voice over runs is parallel with the soundtrack, gives clues as to how the character will be when he is seen.

1 comment:

  1. As with the next one, this is too short. You need to be giving more of a sense of a whole sequence, and this means writing more about the ways in which the mood is developed, with more reference to specific shots and how they contribute to the sequence. It appears very rushed.
