Thursday 21 February 2013

Lights, Camera, Action! [Keelan]

We have started to record our thriller opening! We have started doing our second scene first due to avalibilty reasons. To start we set up our filming and lighting equipment, and then discussed between us where exactly the lighting should be placed, as well as where the camera should be placed, all based on our planning, of course.
After we had done this we then created the setting into how we needed it, by moving certain objets out of the way, and certain ones where we wanted them. Once we had done this, we aain discussed how we should start, once this had been done, we began filming!

Overall, this session of recording our footage went quite well, however we did not get much done due to time limitations. This was due to one the group having an appointment. As this could not be helped, we have arranged another time for us all to do some more recording.


  1. Good work! Can you upload some photos or screen grabs of what you filmed? Better still - add some images of you filming. If you didn't get this on this occasion, try to do it next time. These are the things that get you high grades.

  2. Also, you must go into your settings and make sure the date is shown. It's not currently showing on the archive or on posts and this is essential for marking.

  3. Very good work on planning guys! You are currently my best team!
