Sunday 3 February 2013

Thriller Research - The Mortician (2011) [Keelan]


- In the first shot (above) a mid shot is used, with restricted narration. This is mainly so that you can clearly see the characters facial expression.

- In the second shot (above) a long shot is used. This scene is directly after the first, showing that the slightly worried look the alone man, may be due to the gang possibly coming across as intimidating.

Mise En Scene

- You can see that the scenes are in a rather urban, low class location from the garbage bins and graffiti on the wall in both of the images.

- From the alone man's costume you can tell that he is a rather more upper class character than the inidividuals in the gang. This could give a deeper insight to the man's personality.

- All of the individuals in the gang are wearing rather 'street' costumes as it were, which is very symbolic to make it seem as if they are in a gang. This is very clearly put across to the audience.

- A slight enigma is created, however subtlety. This is due to the alone man's nervousness around the gang. Is he scared because they are an intimidation gang, or is there something more?


- There is very good continuity, which increases the quality of the movie.

- There are rather takes on the beginning of the movie, this I think is to show the emotions of the characters, mainly the alone mans.


- The scene starts with an off screen sound, being a male's voice, which is then turned into an on screen sound as it is shown to be one of the gang member's voices.

- The sound of the door being locked is enhanced very much so, this being a Non-diegetic sound.

- Also, the sound of the alone man's keys rustling when being placed into his pocket is also another enhanced, Non-diegetic sounds.

- There is a Foley of the man walking to enhance the fact that he is walking away, as you would not usually here this at such volume.

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