Wednesday 6 February 2013

Pre-Production Planning- Synopsis [Jake & Scott]

Firstly, a man typing up a simple document, although it is unclear what it says this takes a small amount of time, it is then enveloped.
Terrence Bailey is a member of a now disbanded group of highly trained Government agents. He sees a letter come through his door, he cautiously approaches and reads the letter.
The letter reveals all names of the agents working in Terrence's squad, some of which have recently died under mysterious circumstances, the deceased have a red cross next to there name. Terrence is suspicious of the letter and sees it as highly ambiguous, its either instructing him to take up his profession with his old colleagues or threatening him to go into complete hiding.
Some time after the letter has been delivered an old squad member, Nick Crossfield, turns up at Terrence's house, he act's strange and nervous and reveals that he has been sent the same letter and thinks it indicates a conspiracy to wipe out all members of the highly trained squad, theoretically to dispose of any information they know. Terrence however insists that his old friend is just anxious and that the deaths of the other former agents were not murder, and that there is no conspiracy, despite his friends pleads Terrence insists he is in no apparent danger, and dismisses any hidden threat.
It is only a month later when Terrence's daughter Lilly is seen exiting Terrence's house, she is in a near fatal hit and run, this is when Terrence begins to get his suspicions, he contacts Nick to say he may believe his accusations, they run through possible enemies, but are unsuccessful in naming any potential aggressors.
Terrence then becomes very alert and realises he is being tailed constantly, starting to believe the theory he goes to see Nick, who as Terrence finds, is dead, suspiciously in the same way most of the deceased squadron have died. Terrence then believes Nicks worries and goes against regulation to visit his former CO (Commanding Officer) known only as Lincoln, Lincoln shoots Terrence in the chest and reveals he was delivered a mission by a high up Government member, to destroy his old squad and dispose of any information they have, Terrence and Lincoln then Brawl, Lincoln seems dominant when Terrence manages to shoot his ex sergeant, wounding him severely. He then looks through Lincoln's computer and finds a document with all the names of the old company, the same letter he received  as well as all incriminating evidence of Bribery and Corruption by credited politicians, Lincoln dies of his wounds and Terrence goes into hiding with all documents he found.
Years later we see him walking into a grave yard where he lays down flowers and makes a speech to Nick and his other members who were murdered, he then says that he has exposed the whole conspiracy and that the rest of the squadron are free men, we then see a pair of hand open the documents and then pick up the phone, the scene then switches back to Terrence who turns and walks away.

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