Thursday 7 February 2013

Pre-Production Planning [Scott]

How we are going to use Lighting...
(Setting One)- In setting one; we aim to darken, almost totally black out, the room. We also want to create the effect that the computer screen is the only light source within the room. We will use this to create Restricted Narration and Enigma Codes that will grab and entice the spectator.

Using this type of Low-Key lighting, we will only illuminate the vital objects in the setting. Thus, adding emphasis to the main props and their relation to the Mise en Scene and story.

-This is not our location but an example
of how we will hopefully make it seem
like the computer screen is the only light source
 in the room.
(Setting Two)- Within setting two we will utilise lighting techniques to create a natural lighting effect. This makes the overall atmosphere and Mise en Scene of the setting realistic and fitting to the character's life/lifestyle and juxtaposes the first setting. Both settings will however be joined by the presence of the envelope and perhaps a Sound Bridge

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