Wednesday 27 February 2013

More recording! [Keelan]

We have decided that today we shall continue with the filming of our thriller! After college we're all going to go to our setting 2 and record all unrecorded footage that is needed for that setting. During this we will also take several pictures of the equipment whilst set up to show an 'behind the cameras' view of our thriller opening!
This will also be followed by a vlog from the whole group!

1 comment:

  1. This is useful material, but you now need to update this with a more recent post that discusses the filming at the new location. Have you got any photos of yourselves filming? How did it go? Were there any problems? How does this fit with the story and the style you're using? You are tending to miss chances on the blog for more marks - keep thinking what else you can do, and make sure you're continuing to post with names.
