Thursday 7 February 2013

Man on a Ledge-Thriller Research [Jake]

Thriller analysis.
Man on a ledge.
Man on a ledge is a thriller in which a man claims to be suicidal, as soon as Nick (Sam Worthington) is on the ledge the pace of the film becomes very fast, new characters are introduced quickly to build intensity and to support this opening shots are aerial, fast and quick camera shots, showing the danger of the ledge, and builds themes of danger, as the film is about conspiracy the camera work supports mystery, it does this by using select shots, when there appears to be more than meets the eye the camera will linger on the object or person more than seems valid, it also adds an initial shot followed by a close up from the same angle, revealing information and adding rapid pace, sound is also very effective and is especially strong whilst building up to Nicks decision to get onto the ledge, and at this point the crescendo kicks in, adding both suspense and anticipation.
Mise en scene is used mainly in costume, as Nick is wearing a suit, his hair however appears scruffy and he is not totally cleanly shaven, this is seen to indicate pressure and how Worthington is not quite as sophisticated as he is pretending to be.

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