Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pre-Production [Jake]

Enhancements or alternative shot’s.


To create a more professional feel there are several enhancements or alternative shots the group and myself are going to revise, there are also several other reasons we plan to study this. We believe revising some shots and carefully deciding how the shots will take place will not only make the film more professional and realistic but also much more interesting and engaging. First of all we plan to be very critical of the shots we have chosen and have discussed and planned alternative angles and also talked about how each shot conveys.


Below is a shot similar to the cigarette shot our opening will feature, to emphasise danger we decided to use a close up of the cigarette’s burning tip from the same angle, using an opening shot of the cigarette and then the close up of the burn this adds variety to the shot and makes the scene more profound, the red burn from the cigarette also portrays the important message of danger and volatility.


Our group also decided to get an unbiased opinion so I asked fellow groups to study our story board and express some feelings about the message conveyed, I recorded some of their comments.


-‘It seems very tense to start with and it makes you want to find out who the characters are because you can’t see their faces.’

-‘It really creates mystery and the close ups seem to be very detailed and well thought out.’

-‘It seems really fluent and I think the pace is really good, it makes everything seem ominous and quite sinister.’

-‘ The pace is really good, I think dull lighting would look good because the opening seems really intense.’

-‘It seems full of suspense which looks really good, the pace is quite slow but fits quite well, I like the cigarette idea as well, it conveys a dark and detailed theme.’


We took these comments well and were happy with the reception we received, the themes that were listed were the feelings we were trying to create and this was a great way of knowing if our methods would be effective.

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