Tuesday 5 February 2013

Pre-Production Planning [Keelan]

Target audience for Thriller Opening -

The main target audience for our Thriller opening is males, between the ages of 15 to mid 30's.
This is our target audience as the film will mainly contain themes of violence. Which generally is more of a male interest.

The certifiaction of the film will be 15. It will be certified at this due to strong violence and frequent storng language.

Distribution -

The film will be distributed mainly via local picture houses (independent cinemas), it will only be shown by local independent cinemas as it will have a low budget. It will also be distributed by DVD, however not blu-ray. Again, the reason being having a low budget.

1 comment:

  1. OK - you still need to think about your representation of your male characters as later you'll need to evaluate this. Think about whether they will be traditional males or not. Will there be any female characters in the plot of the whole film (I think there need to be)?
