Thursday 7 February 2013

Pre-production planning- Unrestricted/Restricted narrative [James]

This is a example of how we might do the shot of when the main antagonist is creating the list.

In our opening to our thriller, we use Enigma codes to create mystery and to raise question with in the audience. we will achieve this through the use of restricted narration. we give very little knowledge of the plot to the audience, examples of this are that the character writing the letter, the character face will be hidden and will have gloves on so no information of this character will be revealed to the audience.

The only information that is being revealed is that someone is creating a list of names, one of which is Terrence Bailey.

The main protagonist is hinted at having the name Terrence Bailey from the use of clever camera-work, to highlight that name from the list.

Our opening will consist of no dialog, this creates an enigma code, this will raise question about who are this people and what have they done in there past.

1 comment:

  1. Good, but make sure you've thought about how the audience would read the list. You probably need some CU shots of the screen (if that's where the list is written). Control the background mise en scene too (I know this is a sample, but it's often forgotten).
