Sunday 3 February 2013

Thriller Research - A Dangerous Method (2011) [Keelan]


In the beginning of this Thriller there are both Mid Shots and Mid Close Ups as seen above.

- (female image) This image has used a very popular Thriller type shot as it gives restricted narration, therefore only allowing the audience to view a what they want them to see.

- (male image) Here they have used a Mid Shot, which is quite unusual for a Thriller as it allows the audience to view more of the surroundings, which is not usually done in a thriller.

Mise En Scene

- From both of these screen grabs above you can clearly see what both of the characters are clothes in (costume), as we can see they are rather old fashioned clothing, therefore giving the audience a sense of when the movie is set in. (For those who do not know this is the late 19th and early 20th century).


- During these scenes there are quite long takes lasting around 4 to 10 seconds, going at a rather slow pace. This is used to create atmosphere and a relationship between the two characters.


- The sounds of the characters voices are diegetic, however the sound of the female characters breathing just before she speaks, has been amplified. This is to show the audience how hard she is finding it to talk. Therefore creating realism.

- There is also a non-diegetic sound used, which is of the door being closed. This is used to create emphasis that the door is shut and nobody can hear the two.

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