Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pre-Production Planning [Scott]

How we are going to use Camerawork...

(Setting One)- For the most part, within our first setting of the opening, we will mainly use restricted narration. With the creation of Enigma codes, this will raise questions from  the spectator. We intend to focus in with ECU's on certain props within the setting instead of the character, hiding his face and general identity. We have taken these steps so that it harmonises with the whole story, as if it were a feature length film.

(Setting Two)- We are going to take the opportunity in Setting Two for some interesting camerawork, with the delivery of the envelope. We also plan to take long takes to increase suspense. It is undecided whether or not we are going to show the full face of the second character, to create more Enigma Codes.

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