How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Who is being represented by your product
-In our thriller there are two clear characters that are represented, the first is the antagonist which is the harder to represent.
-For all but the hands of the antagonist are out of frame but the hands show that this character is one who is male and very careful and precise.
-The other character is the protagonist; we created a stereotype of a middle aged mid to high class male.
How are they being represented?
-We kept to our social group that we chose mostly through “Mise en Scene” we gave him a costume that gives the impression that he is a well-dressed and higher class person, this is example in the second setting when we see him in a shirt trousers and glasses.
-This was important to us because we needed him to look like a male who is of a higher class and the costume is the way it was achieved. We gave him a stereotypical costume to show this because we think it is clear indication of class, an example is having someone in a Jacket and Jeans worn at a low height shows a lower class and less respect, this is the opposite of we created and wanted.
-Both the setting that we used being a house corridor and the mobile phone are both very important to how we represented our character.
-The mobile phone we used was one that apple made being the iPhone, this phone could be seen as a phone that a lot of teenagers have and use because it is quite a modern phone, this is contrasted to the approach we used. This approach was that the phone is quite expensive to both use and keep to portray a higher class.
-We created a stereotype of a middle classed male to create an enigma and so people will ask “why is the person here” and “what importance does he play” also to show that he is our protagonist having no props that indicate he that he maybe otherwise.
-We set our target audience as a group with very similar ages to our character, this was important because then our audience will have a better understanding of the character and can relate and connect to him better than younger people.
OK - but there does need to be more here on why your character is middle class? Consider again your target audience, and also where the story goes after this. More detail would be expected of high levels for this question.