Friday 22 March 2013

Thriller Opening [Final]


  1. I found that your thriller opening had very strong camera work -the filming was very stable. However I found the storyline hard to follow. The setting and lighting was effective and was very realistic.titling was simple and clear , however timing on the typing could be slower.Overall I was impressed with the camerawork.

  2. I thought this was clever way of opening a thriller because of the enigma and mystery you brought to this opening, the enigma came from; what was the letter? who was it from? this gives the mysterious side of the film. It was a good use of camerawork extreme close ups were used very well on the keyboard and computer screen,the framing of the phone and the low angle worms eye view shot of the protagonist was a good technique. Props the letter and phone were key as this did give the mystery. Fades were particulary good, crossing this with titling, music was eerie to add a creepy effect and the titling was very well done. Don't have any critiscms to be honest, if so then very minor. - Dan Johnstone

  3. Overall a good opening. it works well as a thriller and leaves questions being asked. The envelope works very well as an enigma code and the BCU of the phone ringing had very good camera placement. Titling was creative and i enjoyed it. different from other peoples and i enjoyed all the work with the typing on the computer screen, rather inventive. Only issues i have is sometimes the sound apeared out of sync? if foleys were used maybe they werent matched as well as they could have been? Also with the shots by the front door there was alot of free space above the actors head. it was obvious the effect of the long hallway was trying to be utalised however im not certain that the headspace couldnt have been reduced. However the shot from the letters point of view gave an unusual perspective which is rarely seen. to conclude a very good thriller opening.

  4. Aimed at 18+. yes the sequence works well as an opening to complete a full length thriler. i thought the worms eye view was really effective when scott was picking up the envelope. the sound worked very well with what was on the screen. the titleing at the beggining looked very proffessional. Top notch

  5. i think the target audience from what i have seen is between 12-18. slow and suspenseful style helped build tension and fit the criteria of a thriller. liked that it was good editing used to create a nice slow pace
