Tuesday 5 March 2013

Intro to Props and Lighting grabs [Jake]

We used several key props and lighting on our actual filming day, we had to carefully position these and referred to our animatic to make sure the messages we conveyed were the right themes we wanted, this was not overly difficult but required a lot of trial and error work as we wanted to choose the optimum points of props, camera and lighting.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure I've said this before, but you must have dates at the top of your posts, to prove that you've completed work by the deadlines. Change this in your settings.
    This obviously needs lots of illustration and further explanation. Remember that you are EACH expected to spend at least 3 hours of your own time on the blog EACH WEEK. At the moment, even though you started well, you appear to be doing less now. You need to do something about this now.
