Thursday 20 December 2012

Shot/Reverse Shot in Filming [Scott]

We used two cameras in our conversational part of the sequence, we did this because it meant that when we came to editing and the final film the conversation would have the crucial flow to it.

We also took the decision to not return to the imaginary friend character after we had incorporated our Shot/ Reverse Shot and keep the focus on Jake. We did this because we felt it was necessary that the audience should really comprehend what Jake is saying at the point in time and moving between the two characters would interrupt what he was saying.

We also thought it would make the audience realise the arrival of Keelan's character had removed the imaginary friend from the literal corridor, but not Jake's mind. So instead of having to see Keelan walking all the way from the end of the corridor we could introduce him closer to Jake and save vital seconds to meet the one minute mark.

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