With our setting 1, we recently came across a problem with the location. This lead to us having to find another location to film it. Obviously as its not just as easy as saying yes we'll use here or there etc, we had to have a deep discussion on the new location.
As of the such short notice we would be able to give to somebody to use there property to record, we decided to try and find a location inside the college itself. We spent rather a long time roaming round our new building which has just been opened a day or two prior, to find a room that we could adapt to our location 1.
In the end we found a room that was part of the library, it was the perfect room. As the library had not been opened we asked them if we could use it on some specific dates to which they said yes.
We have found our location 1!
The pictures of the new location 1 are attached!
AS Media Students at Central Sussex College- Blog for Foundation Portfolio.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
More recording! [Keelan]
We have decided that today we shall continue with the filming of our thriller! After college we're all going to go to our setting 2 and record all unrecorded footage that is needed for that setting. During this we will also take several pictures of the equipment whilst set up to show an 'behind the cameras' view of our thriller opening!
This will also be followed by a vlog from the whole group!
This will also be followed by a vlog from the whole group!
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Lights, Camera, Action! [Keelan]
We have started to record our thriller opening! We have started doing our second scene first due to avalibilty reasons. To start we set up our filming and lighting equipment, and then discussed between us where exactly the lighting should be placed, as well as where the camera should be placed, all based on our planning, of course.
After we had done this we then created the setting into how we needed it, by moving certain objets out of the way, and certain ones where we wanted them. Once we had done this, we aain discussed how we should start, once this had been done, we began filming!
Overall, this session of recording our footage went quite well, however we did not get much done due to time limitations. This was due to one the group having an appointment. As this could not be helped, we have arranged another time for us all to do some more recording.
After we had done this we then created the setting into how we needed it, by moving certain objets out of the way, and certain ones where we wanted them. Once we had done this, we aain discussed how we should start, once this had been done, we began filming!
Overall, this session of recording our footage went quite well, however we did not get much done due to time limitations. This was due to one the group having an appointment. As this could not be helped, we have arranged another time for us all to do some more recording.
Friday, 15 February 2013
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Pre-Production- Planning Prop Research [James]
For our thriller opening we are using a few key props.
Our main prop, the letter will first be seen as a document on the main antagonists computer, this then is printed off and put in our second main prop, the envelope.
The envelope is important because the letter is being posted, this creates an enigma code to why there are posting the letter. The envelope is a mid to large sized envelope that is big enough to fit a A4 sized piece of paper (list), the envelope will be brown because they are more official, this has been chosen because the nature of the character.

The Cigarette & ash tray, symbolize that the main antagonist has had a stressful life and now is a heavy smoker to calm himself.
The phone will be a prop that is not an important prop but creates a mysterious atmosphere and an enigma code because the protagonist does not pick up the phone because he does not feel in the right mood to talk to anyone. The phone will ring right before the man delivers the letter, showing that this could be a coincidence or something more.
Our main prop, the letter will first be seen as a document on the main antagonists computer, this then is printed off and put in our second main prop, the envelope.
The envelope is important because the letter is being posted, this creates an enigma code to why there are posting the letter. The envelope is a mid to large sized envelope that is big enough to fit a A4 sized piece of paper (list), the envelope will be brown because they are more official, this has been chosen because the nature of the character.
The Cigarette & ash tray, symbolize that the main antagonist has had a stressful life and now is a heavy smoker to calm himself.
The phone will be a prop that is not an important prop but creates a mysterious atmosphere and an enigma code because the protagonist does not pick up the phone because he does not feel in the right mood to talk to anyone. The phone will ring right before the man delivers the letter, showing that this could be a coincidence or something more.
Pre-Production Planning - Dialogue [Keelan]
In our thriller opening we will not have any dialogue at all. We have decided to do this as this will add to the suspense, which is a very important part of Thriller movies.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Pre-Production [Jake]
Enhancements or alternative shot’s.
To create a more professional feel there are several
enhancements or alternative shots the group and myself are going to revise,
there are also several other reasons we plan to study this. We believe revising
some shots and carefully deciding how the shots will take place will not only
make the film more professional and realistic but also much more interesting
and engaging. First of all we plan to be very critical of the shots we have
chosen and have discussed and planned alternative angles and also talked about
how each shot conveys.
Below is a shot similar to the cigarette shot our opening
will feature, to emphasise danger we decided to use a close up of the cigarette’s
burning tip from the same angle, using an opening shot of the cigarette and
then the close up of the burn this adds variety to the shot and makes the scene
more profound, the red burn from the cigarette also portrays the important
message of danger and volatility.

Our group also decided to get an unbiased opinion so I asked
fellow groups to study our story board and express some feelings about the
message conveyed, I recorded some of their comments.
![]() |
-‘It seems very tense to start with and it makes you want to
find out who the characters are because you can’t see their faces.’
-‘It really creates mystery and the close ups seem to be
very detailed and well thought out.’
-‘It seems really fluent and I think the pace is really
good, it makes everything seem ominous and quite sinister.’
-‘ The pace is really good, I think dull lighting would look
good because the opening seems really intense.’
-‘It seems full of suspense which looks really good, the
pace is quite slow but fits quite well, I like the cigarette idea as well, it
conveys a dark and detailed theme.’
We took these comments well and were happy with the
reception we received, the themes that were listed were the feelings we were
trying to create and this was a great way of knowing if our methods would be
Pre-Production Planning [Scott]
How we are going to use Camerawork...
(Setting One)- For the most part, within our first setting of the opening, we will mainly use restricted narration. With the creation of Enigma codes, this will raise questions from the spectator. We intend to focus in with ECU's on certain props within the setting instead of the character, hiding his face and general identity. We have taken these steps so that it harmonises with the whole story, as if it were a feature length film.
(Setting Two)- We are going to take the opportunity in Setting Two for some interesting camerawork, with the delivery of the envelope. We also plan to take long takes to increase suspense. It is undecided whether or not we are going to show the full face of the second character, to create more Enigma Codes.
(Setting One)- For the most part, within our first setting of the opening, we will mainly use restricted narration. With the creation of Enigma codes, this will raise questions from the spectator. We intend to focus in with ECU's on certain props within the setting instead of the character, hiding his face and general identity. We have taken these steps so that it harmonises with the whole story, as if it were a feature length film.
(Setting Two)- We are going to take the opportunity in Setting Two for some interesting camerawork, with the delivery of the envelope. We also plan to take long takes to increase suspense. It is undecided whether or not we are going to show the full face of the second character, to create more Enigma Codes.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Pre-Production Planning [Scott]
How we are going to use sound...
(Setting One)-In setting one; we will use complementary sound and light orchestral music to harmonise with the action on screen. We are likely to use a lot of Foleys in this scene to emphasise certain props and in certain places create suspense. We will use Foleys so that the spectator can hear things they usually would not be able to- e.g. burning cigarette ends, or louder typing.
(Setting Two)- Much like in setting one, we will use a range of Foleys to signify meaning within the sequence. Closer to the point of editing, we will decide whether or not we use music in this part of the sequence- it depends on which creates more suspense. We will also use a range of off-screen deigetic sounds so that the spectators knows that these sounds are coming from the current setting.
-We are still to decide whether or not the music will be Deigetic or Non-Deigetic in Setting Two.
(Setting One)-In setting one; we will use complementary sound and light orchestral music to harmonise with the action on screen. We are likely to use a lot of Foleys in this scene to emphasise certain props and in certain places create suspense. We will use Foleys so that the spectator can hear things they usually would not be able to- e.g. burning cigarette ends, or louder typing.
(Setting Two)- Much like in setting one, we will use a range of Foleys to signify meaning within the sequence. Closer to the point of editing, we will decide whether or not we use music in this part of the sequence- it depends on which creates more suspense. We will also use a range of off-screen deigetic sounds so that the spectators knows that these sounds are coming from the current setting.
-We are still to decide whether or not the music will be Deigetic or Non-Deigetic in Setting Two.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Unknown-Thriller Research [Jake]
Unknown starring Liam Neeson as a concuss Assassin with no recollection
of his actual job believes he is a biologist and that somehow, a man has
replaced him as husband to his wife (January Jones) the mood is clearly dark and Neeson is torn
between his sanity and his accused insanity, we see his confusion firstly with
colour correction with editing, which is dark and has a relatively low
saturation suggesting mystery and danger, shots also range greatly from big
close ups to common extreme long shots and seem to metaphorically collate to
Neeson’s belief his mission is hopeless, of course with a plot turn you find
this is not the case, sound tends to be very effective as it ranges between
short dramatic crescendo's to long sad pieces, again suggesting a more
psychological struggle.
Mise en scene is used in Liam Neeson’s appearance
as well as Berlin as a whole, the protagonists clothes become ragged and Dirty
but manage to maintain a professional look by being black and smart, Berlin is
portrayed as a bustling city and neatly represents Jenner’s psychological struggle.Pre-production planning- Unrestricted/Restricted narrative [James]
This is a example of how we might do the shot of when the main antagonist is creating the list.
In our opening to our thriller, we use Enigma codes to create mystery and to raise question with in the audience. we will achieve this through the use of restricted narration. we give very little knowledge of the plot to the audience, examples of this are that the character writing the letter, the character face will be hidden and will have gloves on so no information of this character will be revealed to the audience.
The only information that is being revealed is that someone is creating a list of names, one of which is Terrence Bailey.
The main protagonist is hinted at having the name Terrence Bailey from the use of clever camera-work, to highlight that name from the list.
Our opening will consist of no dialog, this creates an enigma code, this will raise question about who are this people and what have they done in there past.
State Of Play- Thriller Research [Jake]
State of Play.
Red Eye- Thriller Research [Jake]
Red eye's initial shots are the ones that are most effective,
they take place at an airport with a women (Rachel McAdams) rushing to catch
the last flight, we see her first in a taxi on the way to the airport and the
action immediately jumps in as the taxi driver appears extremely dangerous on
the road. This adds a powerful sense of forthcoming danger, the weather is also
bad, Pathetic fallacy, and indicates a hidden threat. The airport is extremely
busy and manic and the protagonists helplessness is conveyed by use of high camera
angles and suggests she will be the victim and most sound is diegetic, adding
mayhem to the scene, however non diegetic sound is added when the characters
are on the plane, the weather and plane are very loud, emphasising Rachel
McAdams fear of flying and again foreboding the trouble she is unknowingly in.
Being on a plane at night also requires dim lighting, however the light on the
female Protagonist is much higher and more equal than that of the aggressor,
who despite this is still significantly lighted for character importance.
Man on a Ledge-Thriller Research [Jake]
Man on a ledge.

Mise en scene is used mainly in costume, as Nick is wearing a suit, his hair however appears scruffy and he is not totally cleanly shaven, this is seen to indicate pressure and how Worthington is not quite as sophisticated as he is pretending to be.
Pre-Production Planning - Location [Keelan]
Part of our Thriller opening will be recorded in an office. To make this believable, (as none of us have studies), it would be easier to use an actual office.
I have been researching on the interent and conversing with various office rental businesses, and we had found various offices that would suit our needs. However the cost was slightly out of price, therefore we will now have to come up with another location.
I have been researching on the interent and conversing with various office rental businesses, and we had found various offices that would suit our needs. However the cost was slightly out of price, therefore we will now have to come up with another location.
Pre-Production Planning [Scott]
How we are going to use Lighting...
(Setting One)- In setting one; we aim to darken, almost totally black out, the room. We also want to create the effect that the computer screen is the only light source within the room. We will use this to create Restricted Narration and Enigma Codes that will grab and entice the spectator.
Using this type of Low-Key lighting, we will only illuminate the vital objects in the setting. Thus, adding emphasis to the main props and their relation to the Mise en Scene and story.
(Setting Two)- Within setting two we will utilise lighting techniques to create a natural lighting effect. This makes the overall atmosphere and Mise en Scene of the setting realistic and fitting to the character's life/lifestyle and juxtaposes the first setting. Both settings will however be joined by the presence of the envelope and perhaps a Sound Bridge
(Setting One)- In setting one; we aim to darken, almost totally black out, the room. We also want to create the effect that the computer screen is the only light source within the room. We will use this to create Restricted Narration and Enigma Codes that will grab and entice the spectator.
Using this type of Low-Key lighting, we will only illuminate the vital objects in the setting. Thus, adding emphasis to the main props and their relation to the Mise en Scene and story.
-This is not our location but an example of how we will hopefully make it seem like the computer screen is the only light source in the room. |
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Pre-Production Planning- Synopsis [Jake & Scott]
Firstly, a man typing up a simple document, although it is unclear what it says this takes a small amount of time, it is then enveloped.
Terrence Bailey is a member of a now disbanded group of highly trained Government agents. He sees a letter come through his door, he cautiously approaches and reads the letter.
The letter reveals all names of the agents working in Terrence's squad, some of which have recently died under mysterious circumstances, the deceased have a red cross next to there name. Terrence is suspicious of the letter and sees it as highly ambiguous, its either instructing him to take up his profession with his old colleagues or threatening him to go into complete hiding.
Some time after the letter has been delivered an old squad member, Nick Crossfield, turns up at Terrence's house, he act's strange and nervous and reveals that he has been sent the same letter and thinks it indicates a conspiracy to wipe out all members of the highly trained squad, theoretically to dispose of any information they know. Terrence however insists that his old friend is just anxious and that the deaths of the other former agents were not murder, and that there is no conspiracy, despite his friends pleads Terrence insists he is in no apparent danger, and dismisses any hidden threat.
It is only a month later when Terrence's daughter Lilly is seen exiting Terrence's house, she is in a near fatal hit and run, this is when Terrence begins to get his suspicions, he contacts Nick to say he may believe his accusations, they run through possible enemies, but are unsuccessful in naming any potential aggressors.
Terrence then becomes very alert and realises he is being tailed constantly, starting to believe the theory he goes to see Nick, who as Terrence finds, is dead, suspiciously in the same way most of the deceased squadron have died. Terrence then believes Nicks worries and goes against regulation to visit his former CO (Commanding Officer) known only as Lincoln, Lincoln shoots Terrence in the chest and reveals he was delivered a mission by a high up Government member, to destroy his old squad and dispose of any information they have, Terrence and Lincoln then Brawl, Lincoln seems dominant when Terrence manages to shoot his ex sergeant, wounding him severely. He then looks through Lincoln's computer and finds a document with all the names of the old company, the same letter he received as well as all incriminating evidence of Bribery and Corruption by credited politicians, Lincoln dies of his wounds and Terrence goes into hiding with all documents he found.
Years later we see him walking into a grave yard where he lays down flowers and makes a speech to Nick and his other members who were murdered, he then says that he has exposed the whole conspiracy and that the rest of the squadron are free men, we then see a pair of hand open the documents and then pick up the phone, the scene then switches back to Terrence who turns and walks away.
Terrence Bailey is a member of a now disbanded group of highly trained Government agents. He sees a letter come through his door, he cautiously approaches and reads the letter.
The letter reveals all names of the agents working in Terrence's squad, some of which have recently died under mysterious circumstances, the deceased have a red cross next to there name. Terrence is suspicious of the letter and sees it as highly ambiguous, its either instructing him to take up his profession with his old colleagues or threatening him to go into complete hiding.
Some time after the letter has been delivered an old squad member, Nick Crossfield, turns up at Terrence's house, he act's strange and nervous and reveals that he has been sent the same letter and thinks it indicates a conspiracy to wipe out all members of the highly trained squad, theoretically to dispose of any information they know. Terrence however insists that his old friend is just anxious and that the deaths of the other former agents were not murder, and that there is no conspiracy, despite his friends pleads Terrence insists he is in no apparent danger, and dismisses any hidden threat.
It is only a month later when Terrence's daughter Lilly is seen exiting Terrence's house, she is in a near fatal hit and run, this is when Terrence begins to get his suspicions, he contacts Nick to say he may believe his accusations, they run through possible enemies, but are unsuccessful in naming any potential aggressors.
Terrence then becomes very alert and realises he is being tailed constantly, starting to believe the theory he goes to see Nick, who as Terrence finds, is dead, suspiciously in the same way most of the deceased squadron have died. Terrence then believes Nicks worries and goes against regulation to visit his former CO (Commanding Officer) known only as Lincoln, Lincoln shoots Terrence in the chest and reveals he was delivered a mission by a high up Government member, to destroy his old squad and dispose of any information they have, Terrence and Lincoln then Brawl, Lincoln seems dominant when Terrence manages to shoot his ex sergeant, wounding him severely. He then looks through Lincoln's computer and finds a document with all the names of the old company, the same letter he received as well as all incriminating evidence of Bribery and Corruption by credited politicians, Lincoln dies of his wounds and Terrence goes into hiding with all documents he found.
Years later we see him walking into a grave yard where he lays down flowers and makes a speech to Nick and his other members who were murdered, he then says that he has exposed the whole conspiracy and that the rest of the squadron are free men, we then see a pair of hand open the documents and then pick up the phone, the scene then switches back to Terrence who turns and walks away.
Resources and Locations Needed [Keelan]
Potential Locations:
- Dark room (possibly blacked out)
- A moderatly well kept, appears to be wealthy house
Resources That May Be Needed:
- Video camera
- Lighting equipment
- Tripod
- Envelopes
- Paper
- Laptop/Desktop computer
- Dark room (possibly blacked out)
- A moderatly well kept, appears to be wealthy house
Resources That May Be Needed:
- Video camera
- Lighting equipment
- Tripod
- Envelopes
- Paper
- Laptop/Desktop computer
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Pre-Production Planning [Keelan]
Target audience for Thriller Opening -
The main target audience for our Thriller opening is males, between the ages of 15 to mid 30's.
This is our target audience as the film will mainly contain themes of violence. Which generally is more of a male interest.
The certifiaction of the film will be 15. It will be certified at this due to strong violence and frequent storng language.
Distribution -
The film will be distributed mainly via local picture houses (independent cinemas), it will only be shown by local independent cinemas as it will have a low budget. It will also be distributed by DVD, however not blu-ray. Again, the reason being having a low budget.
The main target audience for our Thriller opening is males, between the ages of 15 to mid 30's.
This is our target audience as the film will mainly contain themes of violence. Which generally is more of a male interest.
The certifiaction of the film will be 15. It will be certified at this due to strong violence and frequent storng language.
Distribution -
The film will be distributed mainly via local picture houses (independent cinemas), it will only be shown by local independent cinemas as it will have a low budget. It will also be distributed by DVD, however not blu-ray. Again, the reason being having a low budget.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Thriller Research - The Mortician (2011) [Keelan]
- In the first shot (above) a mid shot is used, with restricted narration. This is mainly so that you can clearly see the characters facial expression.
- In the second shot (above) a long shot is used. This scene is directly after the first, showing that the slightly worried look the alone man, may be due to the gang possibly coming across as intimidating.
Mise En Scene
- You can see that the scenes are in a rather urban, low class location from the garbage bins and graffiti on the wall in both of the images.
- From the alone man's costume you can tell that he is a rather more upper class character than the inidividuals in the gang. This could give a deeper insight to the man's personality.
- All of the individuals in the gang are wearing rather 'street' costumes as it were, which is very symbolic to make it seem as if they are in a gang. This is very clearly put across to the audience.
- A slight enigma is created, however subtlety. This is due to the alone man's nervousness around the gang. Is he scared because they are an intimidation gang, or is there something more?
- There is very good continuity, which increases the quality of the movie.
- There are rather takes on the beginning of the movie, this I think is to show the emotions of the characters, mainly the alone mans.
- The scene starts with an off screen sound, being a male's voice, which is then turned into an on screen sound as it is shown to be one of the gang member's voices.
- The sound of the door being locked is enhanced very much so, this being a Non-diegetic sound.
- Also, the sound of the alone man's keys rustling when being placed into his pocket is also another enhanced, Non-diegetic sounds.
- There is a Foley of the man walking to enhance the fact that he is walking away, as you would not usually here this at such volume.
Thriller Research - End of Watch (2012) [Keelan]
- In both of the images the camera is positioned in the same place, straight on, inside a car. This is to show the audience that the characters are in a vehicle. At this point, during a chase scene, and most thrillers contain chase scenes.
Mise En Scene
- There are various props during the chase such as dirt, rubbish and debris left from the vehicle being chased. This is to make the audience believe that it is realistic. As if there were none, it may not seem very realistic.
- The setting of the scene, being a chase, then the end of the chase, can possibly create an enigma. This is because it may make the audience wonder why exactly they are being chased. Then by the end of the chase, you see that the people who are doing the chasing are actually part of the LAPD (police).
- The majority of the scenes are rather short takes, this could be to speed the pace up and enhance the fact that the characters are in a chase scene.
- There is also a number of times ellipsis have been added to jump in time, this is to show that the chase is longer than what you actually see. This would of been edited like this as watching an entire chase scene could become tiresome.
- There is Non-diegetic music playing throughout the chase, this is of quite a fast pace. This is to add to the atmosphere and fast pace of the chase.
- There is also a voice over of a male; this gives a clue to who exactly is driving the car. Which during this, he declares he is a police officer for the LAPD. Giving a further insight into the movie.
- A lot of Non-diegetic sound is used during these scenes such as the squealing of car tyres, and gun shots. These are used to add to the realism.
Thriller Research - A Dangerous Method (2011) [Keelan]
In the beginning of this Thriller there are both Mid Shots and Mid Close Ups as seen above.
- (female image) This image has used a very popular Thriller type shot as it gives restricted narration, therefore only allowing the audience to view a what they want them to see.
- (male image) Here they have used a Mid Shot, which is quite unusual for a Thriller as it allows the audience to view more of the surroundings, which is not usually done in a thriller.
Mise En Scene
- From both of these screen grabs above you can clearly see what both of the characters are clothes in (costume), as we can see they are rather old fashioned clothing, therefore giving the audience a sense of when the movie is set in. (For those who do not know this is the late 19th and early 20th century).
- During these scenes there are quite long takes lasting around 4 to 10 seconds, going at a rather slow pace. This is used to create atmosphere and a relationship between the two characters.
- The sounds of the characters voices are diegetic, however the sound of the female characters breathing just before she speaks, has been amplified. This is to show the audience how hard she is finding it to talk. Therefore creating realism.
- There is also a non-diegetic sound used, which is of the door being closed. This is used to create emphasis that the door is shut and nobody can hear the two.
Thriller Research - Black Swan (2010) [Keelan]
- The first shot is an incredibly wide shot (Extreme Long Shot), creating an unrestricted narration. This is very unusual for a Thriller as it allows you to see all what is happening around the main character. (Even if there is no lighting).
- The second shot is a Mid Shot. This is used to create a feeling that the female character is being watched through the door, which indeed is very 'Thriller like'.
Mise En Scene
- In the first image you cannot really perceive exactly where the setting is as for the low lighting, therefore she could be anywhere. Adding suspense right at the beginning of the movie.
- Very low lighting. There is a rather bright key light which is directly shone on the main character and her alone. This is used to emphasise her importance.
- Her costume is very unique as it shows that she is some type of dancer, maybe a ballet dancer. This helps the audience to understand who exactly she may be.
- In the second image it is clear that it is set in a public environment, along with other people. This adds to the feeling of the character being watched.
- The first few scenes are very long, lasting up to around twenty seconds. Whilst going at a mid-pace. This could be to show importance.
- In the second screen grab, slightly further on in the beginning of the movie, the scenes are a lot shorter, and the pace picks up. This is used to show that the character who is watching the female is very alert and to show that she is watching her.
- The movie starts with music right from the beginning, with the Swan Lake theme tune, giving that the film is based on this.
- In the second screen shot, there is very noticeable music, this music is quite mysterious and slow paced, this is used to build up suspense and to create and atmosphere.
- There is definitely use of Non Diegetic sound, being the noise of the train moving. It is louder than it would be on the actual set. This is to create the setting.
Thriller Research- Sin City (2005) [James]
There are MS and LS that show most of the setting and character, this is strange because most thrillers use CU's to hide things from people
- there are O.T.S shots of the male character to create suspense about his emotions.
- The lighting is quite important and is low key, this is because they need to hide there identity from the viewer.
- The editing for this is the most important, they have taken the colour from the scene, although they have left in some colour, red dress, lipstick this creates a image of the woman which is a juxtaposition of her being in low key lighting.
-there are long takes with a slow pace, creates atmosphere and suspense betweenthe characters and the audience.
-The sound is diegetic speaking, this creates suspense because the sound of there voices have been amplified.
There is a voice over from the beginning, this voice over creates an ellipsis because he is thinking about the past.
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